Tuesday 18 March 2014


I have been reflecting about how today's fast moving life makes us forget about the little things, those tiny happy moments with the power to turn our mood upside down.
I mean, of course we all have our problems, our mood swings (trust me, I am a woman and have LOTS of those!), and stressful times.. But I am sure we all have that one moment each day which really puts a smile on our face!
100happydays.com challenges our willingness to realize those moments and asks us to immortalize them with a picture, and then to post the picture with the hashtag #100happydays on our favorite social media portal (I picked Instagram, you can find me under @petranassar). 
I subscribed today, I am curious to see if I can remind myself each day for 100 days of those small superficial things which turn my day upside down, inside out - and trust me, I think I will take superficial to a whole different level at times. 
So what makes you happy? Did you ever think about that? And I am not speaking about the Big stuff, think about your daily routine, think about the coffee in the morning, think about the sun.. Think about the free roads when you're running late to work and luck is really on your side.. 
Well, at least this is what I'm thinking of when I reflect about the little things which cross my way every day! I think about that sweet message from an old friend, and about my couch waiting for me at home after work! 
Wanna challenge yourself? Start the #100happydays too! 
Here is a picture of my #day1 ! 
I finally wore open flats and put away my boots for the first time this year! This means winter is coming to an end and spring is almost here! Now that makes me happy! :) 

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