Friday 7 March 2014

Spring-time; Color-time

I don't know which side of the world you live in, but on my side it will be a nice sunny weekend! I am so happy winter is meteorologically over (officially spring starts on March 20th so maybe we are all being too optimistic .. ?) .. I can't wait to enjoy the sunshine starting today! 
While waiting for the weekend I did something to put me in a better mood.. I have changed the colors of my kitchen decorations!  
Believe it or not, the colors around you and in your house can deeply affect your mood. In my opinion they affect the way you behave, the way you act and they can influence your emotions. 
A couple of days ago I made a little research and I found out there is a whole field dedicated to color psychology, and though many are skeptical about this subject, many others say that colors do have a general impact on the way we behave. 
Our perception of colours can also be partly affected by our cultural background (white for example is a sign of purity, cleanliness - think about how the traditional wedding dress is white, which symbolizes the purity of the bride) and by the tons of marketing strategies we are bombed with everyday. 
Think about all the brands you know, you can probably related most of them to a specific color, then you can take it one step forward and relate this brand/color to a specific experience and feeling and wopppp there you go. 
Coca cola is red, Pepsi is blue, bio logos are mostly green, Mcdonalds (ew sorry but I am not a big fan of fast foods, and you shouldn't be either, believe me) is red and yellow....and the list goes on forever... Marketers brain wash us on a daily basis, they try to deeply affect our perception of things, our feelings and our willingness to buy a product over another (well poor them, that's their job so just let them do it)! 
That's why it's extremely important that You shape up the environment you live in your own way, that you choose colours to relate to in your own private sphere. A private sphere which should stay as far as possible from mass media and from the influence of those illegitimately trying to be a part of it (and believe me, I know it's hard - media can have a hypnotic effect on me, especially when it comes to beauty products and pink things !! ). 

Walk around your home and think; is it "homie"? Is it warm? Is it a place I want to go back to after work? ( don't think about your couch, think about the whole thing! ) what can I do to make it a better place? 
Well, style it! And pick colors you think will positively influence you. 
Warm colors are active, cool colours are passive and relaxing.
For my kitchen spring colors I chose green and yellow (see below picture of my kitchen table). Yellow means joy to me, and good mood, where as green balances me out, I somehow realized this after a yoga class. 
I keep it as brith as possible, my kitchen has 3 windows and the sun shines in so splendidly, it almost blends with everything else! I also use lots of candles and flowers to balance out life and spirituality. I have candles in every room of my house, I love coming back home and turning then on! 
Although I wouldn't use such bright colors in my living room, I think a kitchen should look homie and joyful in spring!

Ideas on where to buy deco:
Heal's (London), Zara Home (different locations), Depot (different locations in Germany), Bed Bath & Beyond (New York).
Price: varies from what you want to do, but you can be creative and low cost at the same time!
For candles ideas you can also visit 

Enjoy this (hopefully) sunny day! 

Want to read more? Here is the link to my source:!/entry/how-colors-affect-your-mood,50bce98bd7fc7b5670882b01

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